Environmentally Conscious Organizer


Co-Leader: Cathy King

Co-Leader: Drew Price

The Environmentally-Conscious Organizers (ECO) SIG is for organizers who strive to live and work in ways that promote the sustainability of the environment.

As environmental advocates, ECO SIG members focus on integrating practices of simplicity and sustainability into their own lives first. They believe that once they have gained personal experience and expertise making change, only then are they able to effectively transfer ECO ideas and skills to their clients. 

Members work as a group to grow their collective resource and knowledge base via guest speakers, member presentations, and shared readings.

ECO SIG Eligibility requirements:

  • Applicant must have been focusing on environmentally conscious organizing for a minimum of two years
  • Applicant’s website must feature environmental principles and practices

    As part of the ECO SIG application, the applicant will need to provide a description of current personal ECO practices and what their goals are for the upcoming year. The applicant will also be asked to describe the ecological approaches used when working with clients. 

As a SIG, we explore and challenge one another in ways that infuse our collective expertise and push each of us to learn more. ~ Debra Baida



~ Belonging to the ECO SIG gives instant expert status.
Miriam Ortiz y Pino, CPO®

~ The ECO special interest group is the perfect platform to brainstorm new environmentally conscious business practices, client organizing strategies and a discuss product selections for clients.
M. Spears, CPO®